MCC Executive Board Meeting Minutes
September 23, 2008. 7pm, Maren Room
- Sherita Holmes – President
- John Martino – Vice President
- Bethany Milliron – Treasurer
- Chad Durgin- Assistant Treasurer
- Jenna Maas – Student Organizatoin Coordinator
- Menna Haider – Secretary
- John Fryna – MS3 Representative
- MS1 Representative
- Rachel Printy – PA Representative
- GSO MCC Representative
- BOCC Executive
- Parin Chheda – Representing AMA
- Chris Buccerreli and Brent Weiss – Representing Orthopedic Interest Group
- Karen Halpert – Representing Maimonides Society
Old Business
- Vice President and Treasurer – Set up an information meeting concerning funding request forms for all new MCC Organizations officers to attend. Meeting was held on Septembet 10, 2008.
- Vice President – Request from SG a special new MCC Organizations officers training session in the HSC building. Request denied by SG.
- Coordinator – Update MCC plaques by contacting Dr. Novak. In process.
- Secretary – Finalize MCC general body meeting. Schedule welcome dinner for executive board on Septmember 8, 2008. General body meeting was held on September 3, 2008 and welcome dinner was held on September 9, 2008.
New Business
- AMA Special Request: Parin Chheda presented a request for funding attendance at the Natoinal AMA Interim Conference in Orlando fomr November 6, 2008-November 8, 2008. Attending UFCOM AMA members will have the opportunity to run for leadership positions, on the state and national level. The MCC Executive Board unanimously voted in favour of presenting the proposal to Student Government.
- Orthopaedic Interest Group New Organization Proposal: Christopher Buccierelli, MS2 and Brent Weiss, MS2 requested approval to establish an Orthopaedic Interest Group under the guidance of Dr. Mark Scarborough, M.D. This group will encompass several sub-specialities, including surgery, sports medicine and rehabilitation. The MCC Executive Board unanimously voted in favour of this new organization request.
- UF Maimonides Society New Organization Proposal: Karen Halpert, MS2, proposed establishing the Maimonides Society at UFCOM. This organization will offer an outlet of support and resources for UFCOM Jewish students. The MCC Executive Board unanimously voted in favour of this new organization request.
- MCC Organization Coordinator discussed new organization resources and responsibilities with after the approval of the two groups.
- Discussed Alumni Barbeque on September 27, 2008. All MCC Executive Board members are expected to attend and help with tours and activities. President and treasurer will be attending the budget meeting.
Next Meeting Checklist
- MS3 Resource Library – John Faryna will contact wards to request support in setting up a resource library for rotations.
- MS1 Cody Library – Christopher will take out outdated books in order to keep library updated. These books may be donated to an international medical school.
- MS2 Cody Library: John Martino will set up book shelf to keep library organized.
- MCC Social – MCC will work with MS4 tailgate organizers, GSO tailgate organizers and PA tailgate organizers to host a tailgate for the UF-LSU game.
- Lecture Schedule for general body meeting
- Healthcare Economics Lecture – President will contact lecturer, tentative for October meeting.
- Bench to Bedside Lecture – GSO will organize for January meeting.
Next Meeting Date: October 28th 2008, 7 PM, Maren Room