MCC Executive Board Meeting
February 2nd 2012 meeting at 12:00 PM Room CG-57
- Joshua Solano, President
- Marielle Gross, Vice President
- Tahnie Danastor, Secretary
- Ryan Carver, Treasurer
- David Moshe, Treasurer Elect
- John Busigin, Webmaster
- Rachel Cohen-Shohet, 2nd Year Med Students Rep.
- Andrew Cutter, MS1 with interest in Neurosurgical Interest Group
- Kyle Dalon, MS1 with interest in Aerospace Medicine Interest Group
- Adam Gray, MS1 with interest in Aerospace Medicine Interest Group
- Mason Bonner, 1st year PA Rep.
- Corinne Shamehd, PA student
- Christina Marrucci, 1st Year PA President
PA Medical Spanish Class Request: PA students wanted to start a medical Spanish class. Discussion on ways to fund this class and how MCC can help.
Special Request Proposals:
- SIGN: $100/ lunch meetings for two meetings. Request was approved by MCC.
- SSIG: $100 for one lunch meeting. Request was approved by MCC.
New Organization Proposals
- Aerospace Medicine Interest Group: this group wants to raise awareness about astronomy and medicine as well as medicine in extreme conditions thought lunch meetings and different social activities. The officers will have monthly “star parties” for observing the night. Dr. Kevin Ferguson, MD, FACEP is expected to be their advisor. MCC Response: to maintain interest group sustainability, it will be better to have those events either under Emergency Medicine Interest group or to fund those events via MCC if the topics are of interest of UF healthcare students. Funds can be requested from those events as well. Vote to grant preliminary approval for an “Aerospace Medicine Interest Group”: unanimous in support. Feedback was noted and appreciated.
- Neurosurgery Interest Group: this group wants to expose more people to the field of neurosurgery via monthly or bimonthly lunch meetings. MCC Response: Same comments as for the Aerospace Medicine Interest Group.
- UF Health Science Center Chapter of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society: this group wants to introduce UF students and the Gainesville community to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and its mission of curing blood cancers, to promote awareness of blood cancers and involvement in the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team, and to help fundraise for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. MCC Response: Same comments as for the Aerospace Medicine Interest Group. In addition, MCC is unable to provide funds to help fundraise for an organization.
New Special Request Process: to finance as many events as possible, MCC is currently working on a new way to request money that will be available to any interest group or individual with ideas that will raise awareness on various topics. Coming very soon, please look for it.
Elections: new elections are coming up for all interest groups in March.
Next General Board Meeting: February 8th, lunch will be provided.