Officer Information
- Sarah Moum, President
- Ross Harrison, Vice President
- Sofia Gabrilovich, Secretary
- David Moshe, Treasurer
- Nick McGarvey, Student Activities Coordinator
- Andrew Cutler, Webmaster
- Amanda Sacino, Fourth Year Med Rep
- Rachel Cohen-Shoet, Third Year Med Rep
- Annelys Roque- Second Year Med Rep
Future General Board Meeting Information
Please do not schedule any events on the following dates:
- October 10
- November 7
- December 12
MCC Website:
Meeting Minutes
- Introduction- Sarah Moum, MCC President
- COM Administrative Updates- Dr. Fantone
- Curriculum– potentially implementing new requirements for ICU and assessing current effectiveness of requirements
- New Medical Education building– more community space, study space, accommodations etc.
- Funding– serious cuts to the University of Florida; Administration wants to preserve some of the activities they support for the students. It should appear somewhat seamless in terms of personal experience.
- International Support– Dr. Wood is restructuring how finances flow for the international programs. The international program is student-driven but admin needs to ensure student safety and longitudinal experiences in the communities.
- Dean’s philanthropic initiatives– Dean’s Office is working on identification of additional scholarship money. Office provides about one million dollars of support to some of the COM scholarships.
- COM Administrative Updates- Dr. Viduretta
- Significant other’s event– Met incoming couples with help of rising second year students.
- Mindfulness in Medicine– Successful session on Mindfulness in Medicine introduction to the first year class led by Kimi Swartz and Doug Bennion. This is the largest recruitment class that they have had and 30 people signed up.
- Med School 101- Presented by Travus White, Stephen Suah and Pat Kasinpila during first year orientation.
- Med school 201– Today at 1pm for the second year students.
- Tutoring program- Thanks to the efforts of Dr. Fantone there will be resources to continue this program. Criteria for tutoring is different: the overall average in the course must be at 79 or below in order to get free tutoring.
- Alumni Affairs Presentation- Chantelle Martin
- Purpose: Fundraise for scholarships, new building and projects.
- Medical Outreach support– Gives MCC funds for medical outreach trips every year.
- HOST program– MS4 Resident Interviews- Alumni hosts interviewees at their homes for interviews and externships.
- Stethoscope Presentation– Donated by Alumni.
- Match Day –Alumni office airs it online
- Commencement and White Coat– Give opportunities for distinguished alumni to serve as honorary marshals. An Alumnus pays for White Coat ceremony.
- What’s new- Accepted student post card, becoming a physician student blog, House-staff and family Annual Event, History of Medicine lectures, Thank you Card Writing luncheon.
- Alumni Weekend– Club/Interest Groups table during enrichment activities- Cancer and Genetics 1st floor lobby, 3 tables at a time, 9am-4pm, October 19-21, 2012
- Contact info-, office 352-273-9109
- Dr. Fantone encouraged thank- you cards and phone calls.
- Officer Overview: Sarah Moum , MCC President
- Outlined responsibilities of Ross Harrison (MCC Vice President) and Nick McGarvey (Student Activities Coordinator).
- Student Interest Group Registration- Nick McGarvey, Student Activities Coordinator
- Every interest group President and Treasurer is required to attend in-person training.
- Register online.
- Take online student government quiz after training.
- If you do not complete this, your group will not be active.
- Other requirements:
- You must submit a Constitution.
- Deadline: Second week of September.
- Requirements: Must have at least 10 members.
- Other: for every event you have you must fill out an online form and attach a picture to the submission. If this is not done you will not get reimbursed.
- Every interest group President and Treasurer is required to attend in-person training.
- Vice Presidential Duties- Ross Harrison, Vice President
- In charge of special requests.
- Anything outside of your budgeted items will be requested through an SAR and goes through Ross.
- MCC will pay for lesser expensive requests. BOCC will pay for more expensive things like trips. BOCC will limit travel requests to $250 per person.
- MCC Finances- David Moshe, MCC Treasurer
- Budgets are on the MCC website under “documents.”
- There were a couple of changes to student government budgets from “up the hill.”
- All groups are getting $100 from the Alumni budget. This will likely go towards lunches.
- To request money the student group leadership must fill out an SAR.
- Use Docutraq website and put in your Gatorlink.
- Under organizations you select MCC and put in the password: MCCGEN2012.
- Create a new SAR where you request to disperse funds from Alumni money, Dr. Fantone’s office, or SG money.
- If you are using Alumni money or money from Dr. Fantone’s office – your number will be 99
- If you look at your SG budget you will use project #1.
- Vendor is whoever is paying and is being reimbursed (that means it can be you!).
- If you submit the SAR with a minimum of 10 days it will go through.
Dr. Lynch will be presenting at the next meeting.
For any questions/concerns regarding these meeting minutes, please contact Sofia Gabrilovich at