- Dr. Novak on behalf of Dr. Fantone
- Please do the survey.
- Realize that access to ModCore is giving us trouble.
- Library will be under renovation.
- MDL1 will also be undergoing renovation.
- Dr. Viduretta
- Complaints about noise in the hallways from PA students.
- Tabitha is doing room requests for us and has to work with Teaching labs to finish it.
- Everything is going fairly smoothly but there are still no confirmation e-mails.
- Session next week called “Wearing out Stigma” co-sponsored by the Department of Psychiatry.
- Andrew Cutler- Webmaster
- E-mail Andrew if you need to make changes to your websites.
- Don’t forget to submit Activity Reports, works with iPhone and Android now.
- Be aware that the things that you put in your Activity Reports automatically populate the main page of the MCC website.
- Special requests are automatically e-mailed to the president, vice-president, and treasurer of MCC, so no need to e-mail the information to anyone else.
- Dr. Lynch talks about the admissions process.