PsychIG – Psychiatry Interest Group | November Psychiatry Interest Group Lunch Guest Lecture Event | 11/06/2012


Name of Organization: PsychIG – Psychiatry Interest Group

Other Group:

Event Information

Title of Event: November Psychiatry Interest Group Lunch Guest Lecture Event

Date of Event: 11/06/2012

Location of Event: Communicore

Resubmission? No

Number of People Expected at the Event: 60

Has this event been held before? Yes

If so, How many participated before: 60

What is the Purpose of the Event? Dr. Bruijnzeel, a practicing psychiatrist at Shands VA will present a talk on electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). The purpose of this meeting is to dispel myths and to expose future physicians on the potential benefits of ECT for their patients. This is a highly controversial topic due to it’s poor representation in the media.

While we have had many successful lunch lectures in the past, we have not had a talk on electroconvulsive therapy. This will provide the students and to get an in depth look at ECT that is beyond what we are exposed to in class.

What is the Benefit to the State, the university, and/or your organization? This would greatly benefit the state by exposing future doctors to ECT before they enter their third year rotations. By opening up the conversation about this therapy, physicians will be able to better advise their patients on potential options regarding their mental health. Additionally, regardless of what type of specialty the students attending will chose to persue, it will be of great benefit to their future patients to have physicians who are comfortable with discussing mental health issues as they regularly intertwine with the total body health of the patient.

Our organization will benefit greatly from the donation of your generous alumni funds. By providing lunch at our past meetings, we’ve been able to ensure a solid turnout of engaged students. We are incredibly grateful for the initial start up funds the alumni association has previously supplied as they have been put to good use, promoting the psychiatric field and greater mental health for all patients. Student government has explicitly stated that they do not provide funds for food, and the Alumni Association has been pivotal in keeping our interest group active and alive.

Request Information

Item 1 Information

Vendor Description Cost
Dominos 10 1 topping or cheese pizzas $70.00
Papa Johns 10 1 topping or cheese pizzas $110.00
Five Star Pizza 10 1 topping or cheese pizzas $105.00

Item 2 Information

Vendor Description Cost
Walmart 3 2L Sodas $3.75
Dominos 3 2L Sodas $8.58
Five Star Pizza 3 2L Soda $6.57

Item 3 Information

Vendor Description Cost
Walmart 2 gal of water $1.78
Publix 2 gal of water $1.98
Sweetbay 2 gal of water $1.98

Item 4 Information

Item 5 Information

Item 6 Information

Item 7 Information

Item 8 Information

Item 9 Information

Item 10 Information

Other Funding Sources

Description Amount
Remaining Alumni Funds $0.25
