Name of the Organization: ObGyn – Ob/Gyn Interest Group
Trip Information
Title of Trip: ACOG Annual Clinical Meeting Presentation
Dates of Travel: From 04/25/2014 To 04/30/2014
Travel to: Chicago
Number of Expected Traveler: 1
Resubmission? No
Has the group attended before?: No
How many previously went:
Purpose of Trip: The purpose of this trip is for me to present my research study on the HPV vaccine at the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ Annual Clinical Meeting. The research was funded by the UF Department of Radiation Oncology and was conducted on 115 UF students. The research team includes diverse members of the UF community including medical students, MPH students, PhD students in public health, epideimieology and statistics, undergraduate premed students, nursing students, physician and ARNP faculty and student health directors. We were selected among many applicants to present our research which tests a novel educational intervention aimed at catch-up HPV vaccination in university student population. An abstract of the research is available upon reqest and the full manuscript is in preparation.
Attending the conference will also be of further benefit for the University because I will be able to learn about latest practice guidelines and state of the art therapies in Ob/Gyn and import that knowlege to the UF community.
Budget Requests
Description | # of Travelers | Cost/Traveler | Total |
Flight to Chicago | 1 | 327 | 327 |
Description | # of Travelers | Cost/Traveler | Total |
ACOG ACM registration fees | 1 | 400 | 450 |
Description | # of Travelers | Cost/Traveler | Total |
Conference Rate Lodging | 1 | 285 | 1425 |
Other Costs
Other Funding Sources
Description | Amount |
none |
It was a huge honor for this project to be selected by ACOG and I am excited to have the opportunity to represent UF on a national stage at the largest convention center in the USA. I will not be able to attend the conference or present my research if I do not recieve funding, so it will be essential for me to recieve any available financial assistance so that I may serve as a representative of the University in this capacity.