EMSA – Emergency Medicine Student Association | Procedure Palooza | 01/17/2019


Name of Organization: EMSA – Emergency Medicine Student Association

Other Group:

Event Information

Title of Event: Procedure Palooza

Date of Event: 01/17/2019

Location of Event: North Learning Studio

Resubmission? No

Number of People Expected at the Event: 250

Has this event been held before? Yes

If so, How many participated before: 175

What is the Purpose of the Event? This funding request is for Procedure Palooza. Procedure Palooza is an annual event hosted by the Emergency Medicine and EMSA IG to provide preclinical students clinical guidance and exposure to techniques they have been studying in textbooks. Stations include ultrasound, X-ray interpretation, EKGs, IV placement, splinting, intubation, suturing, and a few others. This years theme is Hawaiian Luau.

The reason we are requesting additional funding is that now with Dr. Tyndall as assistant dean, the Emergency Department is applying a lot of pressure to make this event the best one yet. In addition to opening this event to all medical school classes, we are planning to invite PA students, which should increase the participant number by at least 25%. The requested funds are to help improve this event and purchase enough materials to supply the increased projected participation.

What is the Benefit to the State, the university, and/or your organization? This is one of the only hands-on events for the preclinical first year med/PA and second year medical students, providing a low-stress environment to learn under the guidance of UF faculty numerous different clinical techniques and procedures prior to entering rotations.

Request Information

Item 1 Information

Vendor Description Cost
amazon suture kit 45.95*5 = $230
https://yourdesignmedical.com/products/large-pad-with-case-tools?variant=27498779848&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&gclid=CjwKCAiArK_fBRABEiwA0gOOcxPFJurj09ZwdnBgqGGu0YihAdGuOTTp6IxBMkXpF8jxkxQ8K38dChoCMjYQAvD_BwE suture kit 39.99*5 = $200

Item 2 Information

Vendor Description Cost
5 star pizza Piezilla 24″ pizza 22.74*10 = $222.70

Item 3 Information

Vendor Description Cost
Amazon Christmas lights (4.35*10)/hawaiian island decorations ($45)/leis ($25*5) $213.50

Item 4 Information

Vendor Description Cost
Sedationkit.com IV practice kit 19.25*10 = $192.50
amazon IV practice kit 109*2 = $218

Item 5 Information

Vendor Description Cost
Publix Hawaiian punch drink 2.50*10 = $25.00
Target Hawaiian Punch Drink 1.99*10 = $19.90

Item 6 Information

Vendor Description Cost
amazon trauma sheers 3.35*20 = $67
Zoro trauma sheers 3.66*20 = $73.2

Item 7 Information

Item 8 Information

Item 9 Information

Item 10 Information

Other Funding Sources

Description Amount
Programming 575.00
Advertising 25.00
Food 150.00
Awards 50.00

I am Jesse Terrell, EMSA treasurer as well as MCC treasurer and will not be participating in the decision to help fund this event or not.