Event held by SIGN – Student Interest Group in Neurology on 04/23/2021:
Three fourth-year students who just matched into Neurology discussed with students how they became interested in Neurology, how to find mentorship and exposure to Neurology in their medical school years, and how the application and interview process works for Neurology residencies. Our faculty advisor, Dr. Chuquilin, also helped answer questions about the field of Neurology, how to find mentorship and research in Neurology, and find exposure to Neurology early in medical school.
Feel free to contact our panelists for any further questions!
Mailin Oliva: mailin1024@ufl.edu ; 305-331-9934
Rebecca Jules: rjules@ufl.edu, 954-319-3163
Gabriella de Paz: gdepaz@ufl.edu, 352-219-5163
Dr. Miguel Chuquilin: miguel.chuquilin@neurology.ufl.edu