MGFL – Medical Gators for Life


President Katie O’Byrne
Co-Treasurers Caroline Lamoutte
Faculty Advisor Dr. Paul Gulig, PhD

Welcome to the Medical Gators for Life IG!

We are currently working on some new and exciting things so stay tuned!

The goals of MGFL are to recognize the intrinsic value of every human life from birth to death; to support policies that protect vulnerable populations; and to help inform patients and caregivers about life-affirming pregnancy  and end-of-life-care options.

We hold meetings covering a variety of topics:

  • Panels with current 3rd- and 4th-year students to hear about living as a pro-life student on the wards
  • Talks from pregnancy clinics and adoption agencies to learn about resources available for pregnant women and new mothers in our area
  • Testimonials from abortion survivors and other pro-life advocates
  • Information sessions on how to help advocate for the vulnerable in our communities such as the homeless, elderly, children, prisoners, etc.
  • And more!

All students are welcome!