CMDA – Christian Medical and Dental Association


Presidents Amanda Alvarado & Matthew Lynch
Treasurers Lauren Lavender

Welcome to the Christian Medical and Dental Association!

Christian Medical and Dental Associations (CMDA) exist to glorify God – by motivating, educating, and equipping Christian doctors and students:

  • to serve with professional excellence as witnesses of Christ’s love and compassion, and
  • by advancing biblical principles of healthcare within the Church and to our culture.

In order to fulfill its mission, CMDA holds weekly meetings where students can worship God together through song, prayer, and reading God’s Word. CMDA also hosts lunches and dinners where experienced Christian health professionals can provide wisdom to guide students to bring God glory and enjoy Him through their studies and future professions. For specific meeting/event times and more information about CMDA, please contact one of the officers listed above.

What is CMDA?

CMDA at the University of Florida is a student-run group of health professional students which receives support from the national and local CMDA organization. This year, CMDA specifically seeks the following three things:

  1. To establish a Christ-centered community of health professional students built around worship, prayer and the study of God’s Word together
  2. To emphasize discipleship/mentorship where students can challenge and encourage fellow students and experienced physicians can pour into students to guide them in what it means to be a Christian health professional
  3. To engage fellow health professional students with the Christian worldview in a relevant context

Churches in Gainesville

There are a multitude of great churches within Gainesville, Florida. If you are interested in visiting a church with a fellow student or need help getting plugged into one, you can check out our list of current CMDA members and the churches they attend here. Please feel free to reach out to anyone on this list with the contact information provided. If there is a church you are interested in visiting that you do not see on this list, you can reach out to one of the officers and we can help get you connected.

Shadowing Opportunities

CMDA establishes a mentor program where health professional students are put in contact with an experienced Christian physician. The amount of interaction between the student and mentor is flexible and left up to them to decide. It can range from periodic meetings for prayer and encouragement to shadowing opportunities. If you are interested in connecting with a Christian mentor, please contact either the CMDA president or treasurer listed above.

Online Resources