Posts tagged as


Dr. Riley Jones – Experiences in Global Medicine

Event held by WILD – Wilderness Medicine Interest Group on 08/26/2021: Dr. Riley Jones holds an MD degree from the University of Louisville, two MSc degrees from King’s College London (global health with conflict and security studies) and Tulane University (clinical research methods and biostatistics), and earned his DTM&H…

Wilderness Medicine

Event held by WILD – Wilderness Medicine Interest Group on 09/01/2020:  …

MCC – Lunch Meeting on Wilderness

Event held by WILD – Wilderness Medicine Interest Group on 12/04/2019: Dr. Abo (EM) spoke about his different experiences in Wilderness Medicine and how we can apply skills in low resource settings.

Build A Bag with Dr. Rob Balbis

A HUGE thank you to Dr Balbis for donating an amazing, top of the line pack and arms full of medical goodies to the UFCOM wilderness medicine interest group today. He shared with us (as well as many other physicians in the community) from his vast experience as an Army…